Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors
By Prafulla C. Sorcar (Manick Sorcar)
John Wiley & Sons, 1987

About the Book
(Introduction reprinted from the book cover):

Traditionally, lighting design has meant little more than selecting and evenly distributing light fixtures to meet a specific level of illumination. Architectural Lighting for commercial Interiors breaks free form that sterile approach, presenting a theory and practice of dynamic lighting design suited for changing human needs. For the first time, the science and art of interior lighting are integrated to serve the full gamut of aesthetic, emotional, and physiological considerations.

Architectural Lighting for commercial Interiors covers the field of four detailed, comprehensive sections outlining everything you need to know about foundations, engineering tools, architectural tools, and applications. Numerous examples show you step-by-step approaches to solving both usual and unusual situations in practical lighting design. Techniques of perspective drawing, drafting, creating a lighting layout, circuiting , and performing a lighting load calculation are shown. Over 250 illustrations complement the text.

Foundations start with the evolution of artificial light and are then followed by a thorough discussion of the basics of lighting design – vision, light, and color.

A treatment of the scientific aspects of lighting products and analytical techniques of design follows in a section on engineering tools. It gives you a thorough introduction to all types of light sources, shows you how to read the photometrics of a luminaire – a subject not often found in lighting books, though it forms the nucleus of lighting design – and provides you with a step-by-step procedure for the analytical and empirical methods of a quantitative, uniform, or non-uniform lighting design.

A unique catalog-style listing opens the treatment of the architectural tools of lighting design, and systematically notes traditional and new incandescent, fluorescent, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium luminaries, complete with dimensions, finish, notes on advantages and disadvantages, design tips, and areas of use. With this directory, unavailable in any other lighting design book, fixture criteria and selection are put at your fingertips. Subsequent chapters chart the numerous lighting patterns and form possible with the above luminaries, and discuss psychological, physiological, aesthetic, and visual considerations. The conclusion section addresses implementation in typical commercial interiors.

By integrating science and art, two usually discrete lighting philosophies, Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors provides a unique and provocative perspective. Lighting design and architectural firms, electrical engineers, environmental designers, decorators and students will find it an invaluable resource.

The 8 1/2" x 11" book contains 249 pages with 244 illustration. It is available in book stores, or may be ordered directly from the publisher, John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York. N.Y. 10158-0012."

Reviewed by Lydia Sondhi, California State University, Long Beach, California. (Reprinted from Journal of Interior Design Education and Research ,Volume 14, Number 2, Fall 1988)

"Sorcar has bridged the gap in lighting texts by effectively integrating science and art. Sorcar's educational background in electrical engineering provides the necessary expertise in the scientific aspects of lighting while his professional experience has given him a sensitivity and understanding of the need to access and address the art aspects of lighting. Sorcar has considered the commercial environments from the perspective of the visual, aesthetical, psychological, and physiological balanced with the quantitative from engineering.

Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors covers the field of lighting in five comprehensive sections. The basics of light, vision and color and covered in the Foundation section. Light sources, analytical tools of design which include photometrics, calculations, lighting layout, electrical circuitry, and lighting control are covered in the Engineering Tools section. The Architectural Tools section provides the basics in incandescent, fluorescent, and HID luminaries, lighting patterns and forms, with the additional focus on human reactions to light, color, and application, as well as environmental impressions. The fourth and fifth sections are unique to this text and focus on Application: Office Environment and Application: Merchandising Environments.

Illustration are used extensively throughout the text to demonstrate points and clarify information, while reference tables are integrated within the text where needed. Effectively incorporated is the inclusion of explanatory problems with accompanying solutions. This is done in Chapter 6 on lighting calculations and again in Chapter 8 on lighting layout to communicate process. The seven application chapters present issues concisely with a range of visual and verbal solutions.

An individual with little background in lighting could take this text and benefit in expanded understanding of lighting as a dynamic design tool. As a potential text of lighting classes and as a later reference volume, Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors is greatly recommended. Depth and breadth of material covered in an understandable format are successfully presented. Sorcar has balanced science and art, the quantitative and the qualitative in this text."

BOOKS & SUCH: Reprinted from The Daily Journal, volume 92, Number 129, November 23, 1988.

"Denver engineer Prafulla C. Sorcar's latest book, Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors, is written for those lighting designers, architects, environmental and interior designers who design to meet a dynamic need, more than just the technical aspects of lighting.

It breaks free from the traditional, sterile approach of lighting design that meant little more than selecting and evenly distributing light fixtures to meet a specific level of illumination. In the book, science and arts of interior design are integrated with balance to serve the full gamut of human needs.

The book is divided into four major parts: "Foundation" establishes the fundamentals of light and color as seen by the eyes: "Engineering Tools" deals with practical-application-oriented theory, science and utility of light sources:" Architectural Tools" consists of the many important inseparable aspects of lighting design such as the aesthetics, vision psychology and physiology of light and color and selection of fixtures: and "Application" provides examples of their implementation in office and merchandising environments.

The author of the book is president of Butterweck-Sorcar Engineering Inc. His innovative lighting design has reached many countries including Japan, Saudi Arabia, India and Mexico. He is the author of two other lighting books: Rapid Lighting & Cost Estimating, selected as a Book of the Month by the Architect's Book Club, and Energy-Saving Lighting Systems, a text used at the University of Colorado , Boulder.

Excerpts from other reviews:

...."Sorcar has succeeded in what he set out to do, to blend the scientific and artistic aspects of lighting into a coherent and a practical guide for designers. Whether you are a novice needing a clear explanation of how to calculate lighting levels or a seasoned designer in search of a combination reference-inspiration, Architectural Lighting For Commercial Interiors is an invaluable addition to to your design library"


ENERGY SAVING LIGHTING SYSTEMS, by Prafulla C. Sorcar (Manick Sorcar), Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, New York, 1982

"The author has produced an excellent application-oriented text for illuminating engineering. Taken in the proper context, this book is very useful in introducing the engineering issues in the lighting design process.....It is currently in use at the University of Colorado, where it is the student text for the second of six courses in the illuminating engineering curriculum....... The style is clear, the presentation is good and the references sufficient to help the reader pursue a particular topic. It is


"This book analyses various methods for ensuring a balanced design with visual comfort, quality illumination, aesthetics, cost, and especially, energy conservation. Basic concepts are demonstrated with practical examples. Valuable tips are offered on what to look for in physical and operational characteristics of lamps, ballasts, luminaires and the systems as a whole"


"The book certainly deserves a place on the designer's book shelf, among the other handbooks published in this field"


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