The Melting Pot: Indians in America
Prafulla C. Sorcar (Manick Sorcar)
Published: 1983

"His cartoons are innovative and unique in that, in addition to bringing instant smile on face, they also serve the therapeutic function of letting others know that they are not suffering alone"

- The Link, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Over the past two decades Sorcar has spoken at various conferences, universities and schools on U.S. immigrant experiences. He found drawing cartoons a unique and humorous way to express his experiences and show the differences between various cultures. Through his music, art, animation, cartoons and now large scale production team, Sorcar has been able to capture the unique experience of living abroad and appreciating many cultures at the same time.

His first book, The Melting Pot, became extremely popular amongst first generation Indians. This book is dedicated to " The coming generations of Indians in America an inkling of the teething troubles of their forebears" His cartoons are timeless and thoroughly capture the immigrant experience. Sorcar publishes new cartoons often in magazines and newspapers around the world. This book may be purchased through this site.

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